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Dey gets all der money of der pooblic, and haf all der power, but dey gets a little mads because dey might not force demselves on der gentlemen and laties of der coontry, as vell as on der lands und der offices!" "I swan! I don't know but this may be true! A'ter all, I don't know what right anybody has to complain of the Littlepages." "Does dey dreat beoples vell, as might coome to see dem?"

"Well, 'e was a dreat dod," said Hawker, and the setter, overwhelmed, contorted himself wonderfully. There were lights in the kitchen, and at the first barking of the dog the door had been thrown open. Hawker saw his two sisters shading their eyes and peering down the yellow stream. Presently they shouted, "Here he is!" They flung themselves out and upon him. "Why, Will! why, Will!" they panted.

You shall have the best I can give you. 'I shall speag to you, said Darco, 'with an egsdreme blain-ness. I haf not forgotten our first parting. You did not dreat me well. 'I know I didn't, Paul said. 'Ant now, continued Darco, refusing to be mollified all at once, 'you haf wasted months of valuable dime, ant you ant I are both the poorer by hundrets ant hundrets of pounts.

This unexpected demonstration startled every one and frightened Teddy half out of his little wits. He looked, then screamed and fled toward the house, roaring "Marmar" at the top of his voice. Mrs. Bhaer heard the outcry and ran to the rescue, but Teddy could only cling to her and pour out in his broken way something about "poor Bella hurted," "a dreat fire," and "all the dollies dorn."

'And that is the only way to dreat it But I will not haf my babers mettled. Then more dictation, until Paul's mind was crossed by a sudden recollection. 'I beg your pardon, sir, he said, diving his hand into his pocket. 'I forgot to give you the change out of that five-pound note. 'Keep it, said Darco. 'You will haf to look resbegdable if you stay here. You will haf to puy things.

Why don't you co and glup the bresidents that insoalt your lawss, and gick your Boart of Arpidration out-of-toors? Glup the strikerss they cot no friendts! They cot no money to pribe you, to dreat you!" The officer lifted his club, and the old man threw his left arm up to shield his head. Conrad recognized Zindau, and now he saw the empty sleeve dangle in the air over the stump of his wrist.