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"We'll put you out of business, if you insist on it. Anything to oblige. Better light a fresh cigar before you go." Tom helped himself from the box on the table. "You have it to do, Mr. Dracott. On the day you have hammered Chiawassee Limited down to a dead proposition, you can have my pipe patents at the figure named.

In one of the outworks captured from the enemy during the early part of they siege had been erected a field hospital for the wounded, under charge of Assistant Surgeon Dracott of the Light Dragoons.

For three days a gentleman with shrewd eyes and a hard-bitted jaw, registering at the Marlboro as "A. Dracott, New York," had been shut up with Mr. Duxbury Farley in the most private of the company's offices in the Coosa Building, and on the fourth day Norman had made shift to find out this gentleman's business.

As a matter of course, the cut bred immediate and tumultuous trouble with the miners, and in the midst of it the president made a flying trip to New York; to the metropolis and to the offices of American Aqueduct to make a final appeal in person. But the door was shut. Mr. Dracott was not to be seen, though his assistant was very affable.

"Very well, then; you won't get what you've come after. The patents go with the plant. You can't have one without the other," said Tom, eyeing his opponent through half-closed lids. "But we can buy the plant to-morrow, at a very reasonable figure. Farley is anxious enough to come in out of the wet." "Excuse me, Mr. Dracott, but you can't buy the plant at any price." "Eh? Why can't we?"