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Pride appealed to her courage, bade her, here and now, have done with the ignoble fraud; but fear proved stronger. She could not face exposure, and all that must follow. She spoke coldly, but with down-dropt eyes. 'I am not married. The words cost her little effort.

Alas! those eyes, so grave, so luminous, so steadfast: "Eyes not down-dropt, not over-bright, but fed With the clear-pointed flame of chastity," eyes wherein dwelt "thought folded over thought," what painter need ever hope to copy them? And still she never dreamed how dear she had grown to me. She never knew how the very air seemed purer to me because she breathed it.

He still stood in this posture when the rustle of a footfall among the dried herbage reached his quick ear, and turning he confronted Barbara, whose down-dropt eyes hid the gleam of amusement the sight of his melancholy attitude had kindled in their depths.

Not the down-dropt eyes, the shrinking modesties of your old Christian or Catholic types far from it. But something that, as you dwelt upon it, seemed to make doubt a mere folly. And yet his very self-assurances, his very protests, left him in torment. There is something in the Catholic discipline on points of sex-relation that perhaps weakens a man's instinctive confidence in women.

It was the bizarrerie of the affair that tickled her, almost to laughter Donna Maria's down-dropt gaze, the long lashes veiling eyes too holy-innocent for aught but the breviary; and he he of all men! playing the lover to this little dunce, with her empty brain, her narrow religiosity! But on afterthought, she found it somewhat disgusting too. "I thank you," she said.