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His colleague, Wurmser, nevertheless maintained with extreme difficulty the line extending from Basel to Luxemburg, which formed the Prussian outposts. A French troop under Delange advanced as far as Aix-la-Chapelle, where they crowned the statue of Charlemagne with a bonnet rouge.

"Because if I had been armed I might have been imprudent enough to blow your brains out when you pointed your gun at me. And how awful that would have been!" "Man," he said, "it's the cursed drink." "Well," said I, "it's all over now. Good-bye!" Off we went my comrade, myself, and the man who had brought our horses, Delange. The latter had an achter ryder and two spare horses.

Towards noon we reached the farm of one of Delange's friends. My mount was now thoroughly done up, having eaten almost nothing for three days. I asked the farmer if he had a horse for sale. "There are several in the stable," he replied, "but they belong to my son, and he is on commando; so I am sorry, but I can't sell you one." "I tell you what we'll do," said Delange.

It was a lively little nag, and all my weariness passed away as I felt it bound between my knees. Delange remained here, and my comrade and I continued our journey alone, making for Vrede. "There's a Jew a few miles from here," said the farmer as he bade us good luck, "whom we suspect of treason. You should try and trap him and take him with you to Vrede." Towards dusk we reached the Jew's store.