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At the end of perhaps a minute there came from the veranda a perfect imitation of the lascar's ungrammatical, whining singsong from a fo'castle-head: "Hum dekta hai! I'm on the watch." Grim nodded to himself, I suppose, for none had spoken to him. "Do you mind stepping out and getting that letter from him, Ramsden? Keep in the shadow, please, and give him this pistol; he may need it."

But there were plenty to help take the knife away, and the Hillman stood handcuffed and sullen at last, while one of his captors bound a cut forearm. Then they dragged him away; but not before he bad seen King at the window, and had lipped a silent threat. "I believe you, my son!" King chuckled, half aloud. "I surely believe you! I'll watch! Ham dekta hai!"

"As your honour pleases!" "Hospital's stuffy, isn't it? Think you could recover health more rapidly outdoors? Sick-leave continued of course, but how about a little exercise?" The Sikh's eyes twinkled. "Sahib, you know I need exercise!" "I'll speak to the doctor for you. In case he signs a new certificate, report to me tonight." "Atcha, Jimgrim sahib! Atcha!" "Hum Dekta hai"

"Ham dekta hai!" King grinned. But the older man continued to look as if he pitied him. "If you get through alive, come and tell me about it afterward. Now, mind you do! I'm awfully interested, but as for envying you " "Envy!" King almost squealed. He made the bed-springs rattle as he jumped. "I wouldn't swap jobs with General French, sir!" "Nor with me, I suppose!" "Nor with you, sir.