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"St-t-top him," said the quartermaster, snailing lazily along from the mess-tent, where he had been lunching; "h e d-doesn't know that if h e g-g-goes c-clear over h e'll w ind up the sw ing." With such energy was that strong man cannonading himself through the air that at each extremity of his increasing arc his body, standing in the swing, was almost horizontal.

"If they do," replied Spike, "they'll only get aboard this boat through a perfectly murderous fire of raspberry jam." "R-Raspberry j-j-jam d-doesn't r-repel b-b-boarders," said Spook, hustling the dishes below, "h-h-half as m-m-much as s-s-stewed p-p-prunes." He stopped, with his head out of the cabin door. "S-S-Say!" he exclaimed, pointing, "isn't th-that another b-boat?"

"It d-doesn't make any difference now." Jordan sat down on the floor. "The boy was the one who gave you away. If not for him, no one would have ever known what planet you were on. Why did you let the kid get away?" The robot looked straight at the agent. "Would you kill a child?" he asked. "No, of course not," Jordan said a little bit annoyed, "but I'm not a robot either."

Then she controlled herself and, in answer to his look of troubled amazement, said: "It's all right. Only it happens that you're the one who d-doesn't know how awfully funny it really is." Her voice shook, but she got it in hand again. "No, I don't mean anything by that. Here! Give me a kiss and then let me wash my face."

Jimmy had spent his entire youth in urging her to accept everything that was his, and he hailed this as a good omen. "I have a l-letter here for dad," she went on, fidgeting about uneasily and watching the door. "I don't want him to g-get it until after the last train goes to-night. Will you see that he d-doesn't get it before nine o'clock?"