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"I ha'n't got a spite against her, Cornele, though, I confess, I don't love the woman," replied Statira. "But I always treat her well; though, to be sure, I don't curchy so low and keep smilin' so much as most folks do, when they meet a minister's wife and have talk with her.

Mis' Garrison wanted Fluke to coach for her; he was so strong an' harnsome; an' she was tellin' him what she wanted him to do, curchy here, and curchy there. 'Mis' Garrison, says Fluke, 'I'll drive ye 'round wherever ye wants me to, but I'll be d d if I'll curchy to ye! So she fetched along an imported one." Whatever the obsequious conduct of this individual toward Mrs.

He introduced him to me as Elburtus Gansey, my 4th cousin; and I made a handsome curchy. I s'pose, bein' up on the table, the curchy showed off to better advantage than it would if I had been on the floor: it looked well. I felt as if I should sink. But he took it the best that ever wus.

She is very obligin', and would always curchy and smile, and say "Yes'm" whenever I asked her to do any thing. She always would, and always will, I s'pose, do jest what you tell her to, as near as she can; and she is thought a good deal of. Wall, she has liked Ury for some time that has been plain to see: she thought her eyes of him, and he of her.