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"They knew about the mortgage all right enough, but they dunno where the money went. Yuh see, Racey, I I done told 'em I lost it in a land deal." "You did! Aw right, you go right in and tell 'em the truth, all of it, every last smidgen." "I cuc-can't!" protested Mr. Dale. "I ain't got the heart!" "You ain't got the nerve, you mean.

The fingers of the hand on top of his slid in between his fingers. "Look me in the eye," said she, "and tell me you don't love me." "I cuc-can't," he muttered in a panic. "Then why are you going away?" Her voice was gentle gentle and wistful. "Because yo're rich now, that's why," he replied, thickly, the words wrung out in a rush.

In replying the slight impediment in his speech became more pronounced. "The gug-game only went fuf-five innings; it commenced to rur-rain then, so they didn't finish it out. You see I I cuc-can't do all the pitching, and Eliot put in Grant for the first pup-part of this game." He was intensely annoyed because of his unusual halting and stammering over this explanation. "Humph! Rained, eh?

"Oh, he reckoned Crowell was good enough for the Porters, that's all. The result proved his judgment correct." "Still a fellow who'll tut-take such chances is liable to do anything. He cuc-can't have any real loyal interest in his team. If he took a notion, he'd throw a game."