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"That's queer too," said I. "What's queer?" He asked it sharply. "Why, to find a gardener cox'n of a life-boat." "He followed the sea in early life. But I'll tell you what is queer, and that's his last wish. His particular desire was that I, and I alone, should screw down the coffin. He had Trudgeon the carpenter up to measure him, and begged this of me in Trudgeon's presence and the doctor's.

With a rush, they took the lead and held it to the finish, though two lengths from the line their stroke faltered, the swing was gone, and they were dabbling feebly when the shot rang out. "A grand race," said every one around. "A grand race" but old Burke had something to say when he steamed up to put our cox'n among us.

"The captain and I together," said Andrew with his bright laugh. "We were officers and crew and passengers, cox'n and cook, as they say." "A hard experience," said Mr. Maurice. "Oh, not at all, but worth its weight in gold to me, at least. Why, sir, it taught me how to handle a ship as six years before the mast couldn't have done." "Good! We shall see to what purpose one of these days.

"You're wrong there, mate," returned the bowman, quickly, while a look of decision overspread his bluff countenance, "there'll be both a noo cox'n and a noo bowman wanted for her before long, for as sure as the first goes away the tother follers." "Nonsense, Joe; you're jokin' now." "Yes, I'm jokin' if you're jokin'; otherwise, I'm in dead arnest too in as dead arnest as yourself, if not deader.