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John's Day is a cure for diseases of the skin in Normandy, Périgord, and the Abruzzi, as well as in Spain. M. Longworth Dames and Mrs. See below, pp. 234 sqq. Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Second Edition, pp. 202 sq. G. Finamore, Credenze, Usi e Costumi Abruzzesi, pp. 158-160. We may compare the Provençal and Spanish customs of bathing and splashing water at Midsummer. See above, pp. 193 sq., 208.

The Farrarese agent, Bartolomeo Bresciani, who had been sent to Rome on matters connected with the Church, is no less complimentary. He says, la Excell. V. remagnera molto ben satisfacto da questa Illma Madona per essere dotada de tanti costumi et buntade. Despatch of Gianluca Pozzi to Ercole, Rome, December 25, 1501. Pozzi to Ercole, Rome, December 25, 1501.

He is a gentleman possessing the manners of the good old school courtly and somewhat ceremonious, reminding one of those Italian nobles of the sixteenth century of whom we lead in the novels of Giraldo Cinthio and Fiorentino uomini illustri, e di civil costumi. His greeting is cordial and his conversation delightful, full of anecdote and marked with enthusiasm for his art.

Fiorentino di nascita, non di costumi, as he describes himself, he had slight sympathy with Blacks or Whites, Guelphs or Ghibellines. A Guelph by birth, a Ghibelline by banishment, he was in reality an absolutist in politics, and a bigot in religion.

Yet there is sorrow in the world, and it reached Petrarch even before Laura died, when it reached her. This exquisite sonnet shows it: "I' vidi in terra angelici costumi." I once beheld on earth celestial graces, And heavenly beauties scarce to mortals known, Whose memory lends nor joy nor grief alone, But all things else bewilders and effaces.