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His cold-bloodedness touched at certain points on rectitude and loyalty; his ostentation had a lining of generosity. Results, we must remember, are to the profit of society; motives concern God. But after the arrival of Modeste's letter Ernest deceived himself no longer as to Canalis.

"Where would they get the women and children?" "The same way they get their men recruit them in our own time. Or in the way lots of tribes grew during periods of stress." Ross set down the water jug. "You mean, kill off the men, take over their families?" This was a cold-bloodedness he found sickening.

The cry for more censors is but the cry for the man with the broom. Sometimes it is a matter as simple as when a child is scratching with a pin on a slate. While one would not have the child locked up by the chief of police, after five minutes of it almost every one wants to smack him till his little jaws ache. It is the very cold-bloodedness of the proceeding that ruins our kindness of heart.

"Well, yes, he might, looking at him from the outside. But when you come to talk with Brother Peck, you find yourself sort of frozen out with a most unexpected, hard-headed cold-bloodedness. Brother Peck is plain common-sense itself. He seems to be a man without an illusion, without an emotion." "Oh, not so bad as that!" laughed the doctor. "Ask Miss Kilburn.

"In the Khyber Pass!" the roof whispered hoarsely, as if aghast at such cold-bloodedness. "Now give proof!" said the mullah. "Words at the gate proof in the cavern! Without good proof, there is only one way out of here!" "Proof!" the crowd thundered. "Proof!" "Proof! Proof! Proof!" the roof echoed. There was no need for Darya Khan to whisper.