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Never, in all my humble existence, did I feel so clerky as I did then. I checked the beastly stuff off as well as I could, taking the Vancouver wholesalers' word for the names of half the things, for I was quite sure they knew better than I did about them. With the assistance of Jake, as "hander-up," I set the goods in a semblance of order on the shelves and about the store.

"Heaven be praised," Brilliana ejaculated, and then, wonder treading on the heels of thankfulness, she questioned, "How came you here so timely?" My Lord Fawley broke into a boisterous laugh which seemed to rattle among the rafters. "Oh, Lord, the best jest in the world," he bellowed. Bardon clapped a hand on lad Ingrow's shoulder. "Our Ingrow writes a clerky hand," he asserted.

He threw down the blanket, rose, passed along a line of drug-drawers, and read the names on the labels aloud. Returning, he took from his desk Christie's New Commercial Plants and the old Culpepper that I had given him, opened and laid them side by side with a clerky air, all trace of passion gone from his face, read first in one and then in the other, and paused with pen behind his ear.

"I have here," he announced in his clerky voice with a touch of solemnity to it, "a trial balance. I have not had time to make an exact inventory; but in order to give you some idea of the condition of your father's affairs, I have used approximate figures and prepared a profit-and- loss account." Bryce reached for the papers.