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Non-division, at that time, is possible in so far as there is no distinction of names and forms. It follows from all this that Brahman's causality is not contrary to reason.

On the right, a series of philosophers e.g., adherents of Hegel, Herbart, and Schopenhauer who, without making any concessions to the modern theory of knowledge, hold fast to the possibility of a speculative metaphysics of the old type. The most important of these maxims are the principles of real identity, of the continuity of existence, of causality, and of the continuity of becoming.

Even such immature notions are, however, so far as they go, framed within the category of causality; only, the will of the god takes the place of all other force.

These either lack predictive powers or lapse into logical fallacies, such as the "omitted variable bias" or "reverse causality". The former is concerned with important variables unaccounted for the latter with reciprocal causation, when every cause is also caused by its own effect. These are symptoms of an all-pervasive malaise.

Living matter is to be defined as “a unique chemical system, the molecules of which, by their peculiar reciprocal action, give rise to psychical and material processes in such a way that the processes of the one kind are always causally conditioned and started by those of the other kind.” The psychical phenomena he regards as transcendental, supernatural, “mystical,” yet unquestionably also subject to a strict causal nexus, although the causality must remain for ever concealed.

The intertwining of the scenes which we have traced in detail is itself such a contrast to causality. It is as if different objects could fill the same space at the same time. It is as if the resistance of the material world had disappeared and the substances could penetrate one another. In the interlacing of our ideas we experience this superiority to all physical laws.

And thou, red judge, if thou would say audibly all thou hast done in thought, then would every one cry: "Away with the nastiness and the virulent reptile!" But one thing is the thought, another thing is the deed, and another thing is the idea of the deed. The wheel of causality doth not roll between them. An idea made this pale man pale.

Indeed, even mechanical action, often alleged to be entirely intelligible, such as the transference or transformation of energy, is, as we have seen, a complete riddle. In addition, all causality runs its course in time, and therefore partakes of all the defects and limitations of our views of time.

In so far as it is merely analogical, it might be only more or less probable; but being founded also on the law of causality, it is an inductive inference, and, as such, one of the most certain convictions of the human mind. And so the argument derived from marks of design in Nature may be stated in one or other of two ways: it may be stated analogically or inductively.

Now, as the causality of phenomena is subject to conditions of time, and the preceding state, if it had always existed, could not have produced an effect which would make its first appearance at a particular time, the causality of a cause must itself be an effect must itself have begun to be, and therefore, according to the principle of the understanding, itself requires a cause.