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The glory which the English acquired in this expedition was in some measure tarnished by the conduct of some officers in the West Indies. Thither admiral Benbow had been detached with a squadron of ten sail in the course of the preceding year. At Jamaica he received intelligence that monsieur Du Casse was in the neighbourhood of Hispaniola, and resolved to beat up to that island.

He was clothed only in a dressing gown and a blood-stained nightshirt, groaning and semi-unconscious. "Jambe casse, beaucoup mal casse," explained the French scholar. "Apportez-le vite apres moi," said Morris. This order having been translated by the youth, several stalwart sailors lifted up the injured man, and, placing the tarpaulin beneath him, took hold of it by the sides and corners.

Common as it was, Homer never once mentions its use for defensive armour, or for swords and spears. Only in two cases does Homer describe any weapon as of iron. Mr. To fight with an iron mace was an amiable and apparently unique eccentricity of Areithbus, and caused his death. Mr. Leaf gets rid of this solitary iron casse tete in a pleasant way.

And how shall any one dare complain of this, since have not empires before now only been saved from oblivion by a few buried potsherds, and whole races of mankind by childish picture-scratchings on a reindeer bone? Tout lasse, tout passe, tout casse. The individual his arts, his possessions, his religion, his civilisation is always as an envelope, merely, to be torn asunder and cast away.

The town of Frankfort itself had reason to rejoice at the presence of this monarch, who took their commerce under his protection, and by the most effectual measures restored the fairs, which had been greatly interrupted by the war. The Swedish army was now reinforced by ten thousand Hessians, which the Landgrave of Casse commanded.