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Ah, you'll never find the way; follow me, I have some questions to put to you." "Nothin' agin my carakter, I hopes, your honour," said Beck, timidly. "Oh, no!" "Noos of the mattris, then?" exclaimed Beck, joyfully.

Ah, you'll never find the way; follow me, -I have some questions to put to you." "Nothin' agin my carakter, I hopes, your honour," said Beck, timidly. "Oh, no!" "Noos of the mattris, then?" exclaimed Beck, joyfully.

No one can reasonably go for to ask a gentleman to go for to inconvenience hisself. But what do you know of that 'ere youngster. Had you a carakter with him?" "What's that to you?" "Why, it's more to yourself, Mr. Stubmore; he is but a lad, and if he goes back to his friends they may take care of him, but he got into a bad set afore he come here.

"Well, we must not be hard on the youngster: 'cause why? he has friends as is gemmen. But you tell him to go back to his poor dear relations, and all shall be forgiven; and say as how you won't keep him; and if he don't go back, he'll have to get his livelihood without a carakter; and use your influence with him like a man and a Christian, and what's more, like the father of a family Mr.

No one can reasonably go for to ask a gentleman to go for to inconvenience hisself. But what do you know of that 'ere youngster. Had you a carakter with him?" "What's that to you?" "Why, it's more to yourself, Mr. Stubmore; he is but a lad, and if he goes back to his friends they may take care of him, but he got into a bad set afore he come here.

"Well, we must not be hard on the youngster: 'cause why? he has friends as is gemmen. But you tell him to go back to his poor dear relations, and all shall be forgiven; and say as how you won't keep him; and if he don't go back, he'll have to get his livelihood without a carakter; and use your influence with him like a man and a Christian, and what's more, like the father of a family Mr.

"There's a boy at the door wants to see you, Mr. Rockwell," said the girl. "Did you ask him in?" "No sir. He looks like a suspicious carakter," said Bridget, laying the stress on the second syllable. Mr. Rockwell rose, and went to the door. "What is your business?" he asked. "It's about Dick, Ragged Dick we used to call him," said Micky. "You mean Richard Hunter." "Yes," said Micky.