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And you have been busy, and still nothing for Rudolph Calkey to do, nothing to analyze, nothing to dissect " "I've got a knot now for you." "Good! good! I trust it is a good complication I love them so there is such a satisfaction when the end is reached. But not yet no, not yet. A glass of wine first something prime I imported it myself, so that I would know what I am getting."

His recital took the best part of an hour, and he gave all the particulars of his interview with Cephas Carboy and with Doctor Calkey, and told of the finding of the bit of paper with the address of the drug firm on it, and of the strange Chinese poison. At the mention of the fatal drug she drew a sharp breath. "I I " she began, and stopped short. "Do you know anything of that drug, Letty?

But I must be going." "What, so soon!" Rudolph Calkey looked hurt. "I was thinking you'd stay the day out. We could chat over old times I'll order an extra supper " "No, not to-day. When this case is settled, I'll come over and we'll make an evening of it." And then the detective had to fairly tear himself from the doctor and the house. They were old friends and had worked on many a case together.

He walked two blocks westward and ascended the steps of a fine brown-stone residence. He asked for Doctor Calkey and was ushered into a private den, where the doctor, a tall, spare man of sixty, soon joined him. "My good friend Adams!" cried the doctor, shaking hands warmly. "Where have you kept yourself? Surely you have not been to see me for a year, or is it longer?

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