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Our men had eaten, their enemy was within their grasp and Clark and all his officers could scarce keep them from storming. Such was the deadliness of their aim that scarce a shot came back, and time and again I saw men fling themselves in front of the breastworks with a war-whoop, wave their rifles in the air, and cry out that they would have the Ha'r Buyer's sculp before night should fall.

I noticed Uncle Lance clouding up over the buyer's lack of appreciation, but he controlled himself, and when Mr. Orahood expressed a wish to retire, my employer said to his guest, as with candle in hand the two stood in parting: "Well, now, Wayne, that's too bad about the cattle being so thin.

I was hovering around the skirts of the crowd and seeking for an opening, when a hand pulled me off my feet. "What'll ye be afther now?" said a voice, which was Terence's. "Let me go," I cried, "I have a message from Lieutenant Bayley." "Sure," said Terence, "a man'd think ye had the Hair Buyer's sculp in yere pocket.

We could only deal with the smaller planters, who were not thirled to the big merchants, and it took us three weary weeks up and down the river-side wharves to get our holds filled. There was a madness in the place for things from England, and unless a man could label his wares "London-made," he could not hope to catch a buyer's fancy.