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The Ghibellines having departed, the Florentines reorganized the government of the city, and elected twelve men who, as the supreme power, were to hold their magistracy two months, and were not called Anziani or "ancients," but Buono Uomini or "good men." They also formed a council of eighty citizens, which they called the Credenza.

"Why, true; but we might call in an umpire a foreigner who had no interest in either faction who might protect the new Buono Stato; a Podesta, as we have done before Brancaleone, for instance. How well and wisely he ruled! that was a golden age for Rome. A Podesta for ever! that's my theory."

A certain Buono is said to have built a church here in 990; but little, however, now remaining can be of that date, the church as a whole being of about 1312, and, as I have said, probably the last work of Fra Guglielmo.

My Lord Gianni Colonna, whom we have made Captain over Campagna, you will not refuse a cup to the Buono Stato; nor think we mistrust your valour, when we say, that we rejoice Rome hath no enemies to attest your generalship." "Methinks," quoth the old Colonna, bluntly, "we shall have enemies enough from Bohemia and Bavaria, ere the next harvest be green."

Michael Angelo worked in the Stanza del Pavaglione behind the Cathedral; he employed three assistants, from FlorenceLapo Antonio di Lapo, a sculptor; Lodovico del Buono, called Lotti, a founder; and Pietro Urbano, a man who worked for him for a long time. His way of life was frugal and sordid in the extreme. In his letter to his brother Buonarroto he says :—

Corey was pleased from the beginning with Lemuel's good looks, and justified himself to his wife with an Italian proverb: "Novanta su cento, chi e bello difuori e buono di dentro."