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There has appeared of late, like a penultimate branching-out of the old classical trunk, or, better still, like one of those excrescences, those polypi, which decrepitude develops, and which are a sign of decomposition much more than a proof of life there has appeared a strange school of dramatic poetry.

It is now taught that these ancient winged-reptiles were featherless, and more closely resembled the Bat family than birds. The line of ascent from Reptile to Bird was along the forms of the Reptiles that walked on land. And, of course, many modifications have occurred since the "branching-out."

No household is to represent merely itself; one or two, or more, from one family are to bring always one or two, or more, from somewhere else. I am going to try if one little bit of social life cannot be exogenous; and if it can, what the branching-out will come to. I think we want sapwood as well as heartwood to keep us green. If anybody doesn't quite understand, refer to 'How Plants Grow Gray."

I have watched the old Croesus' career for years. It's only since I got into possession of the law business of this branching-out railroad that I have been able to fathom old Worthington's designs. "He has used young Ferris for years to quietly gather in all the loose stock of his unsuspicious partners.