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Updated: November 17, 2024

"Carry with you some evergreens and flowers to put upon her coffin indeed, gather a great many, and completely bury her in them. Get some boughs of laurustinus, and variegated box, and yew, and boy's-love; ay, and some bunches of chrysanthemum. And let old Pleasant draw her, because she knew him so well." "I will, ma'am.

And the Parson rode on with a lump in his throat. So two years passed, during which Mademoiselle Henriette tilled her garden and turned it into a paradise. There were white roses on the south wall, and in the beds mignonette and boy's-love, pansies, carnations, gillyflowers, sweet-williams, and flaming great hollyhocks; above all, the yellow monkey-blossoms that throve so well in the marshy soil.

But to the knot of his bundle there was tied a bunch of cottage flowers, sweet-williams, boy's-love, and a rose or two, and the sight and smell of them in that stuffy omnibus were like tears on thirsty eyelids. It's the young that I pity, sir.

That day Floretta Vining had told her that if she would put a sprig of boy's-love in her shoe, the very first boy she met would be the one she was going to marry; and Ellen, who was passing from one grade of school to another, had tried it. The high-school master was a distant relative of the Lloyd's, through whom he had obtained the position.

Then the boy went on down the street, but he did not whistle, and Ellen went back to the doorstep, and, looking about to be sure that none of the men in the sitting-room saw, pulled off one little shoe and drew forth a sprig of southernwood, or boy's-love, which was crushed under her foot.

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