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Tyrol, meanwhile, was parcelled out between Bavaria, Illyria, and the Kingdom of Italy; but bullets and partitions were of no avail against the staunch patriotism of her people, and the Tyrolese campaign boded ill for Napoleon if monarchs, generals, and statesmen should ever be inspired by the sturdy faith and hardihood of that noble peasantry.

He declared that the skies of the world were dark, that this darkness boded evil, and that terrible wars would come. From the prison at Akká, He addressed the German Emperor in the clearest of terms, telling him that a great war was on the way and that his city of Berlin would break forth in lamentation and wailing.

She lived in a cottage at the foot of High Rock, where she was consulted, not merely by people of respectability, but by those who had knavish schemes to prosecute and who wanted to learn in advance the outcome of their designs. Many a ship was deserted at the hour of sailing because she boded evil of the voyage.

Take any that suits you from the rack." The implement secured, the officer set out down the street, with a look that boded ill for somebody. Five minutes later, with one hand held behind his back, he stood in the doorway of the public room of another ordinary, arriving just in time to hear a man proclaim in stentorian tones:

If he entertained the suspicions which they attributed to him, he had certainly taken the most effectual means to prevent their being realised. Whatever his object might be, his presence in Dublin, in company with Captain N , boded nothing good to O'Mara.

"The comet what do you say of the comet now?" said one. "That it boded ill to the Northmen," was the reply of his neighbour.

The carriage drove away, and Demetria's eyes, looking back at me, were filled with tears, but in Senor Villaverde's eyes, also glancing back, there was an expression that boded ill for my future. His feeling was natural, perhaps, for he was the father of two very pretty girls. Implacable, and I was now divided from him by no silver or brick-coloured sea!

This conduct of the Allies toward one another while the common enemy was still in the field boded ill for their future relations. "Our next war will be with Bulgaria," said the man on the street in Athens, and this bellicose sentiment was reciprocated alike by the Bulgarian people and the Bulgarian army.

But he ceased his yelping to listen to a new noise a thunderous slatting of canvas accompanied by shouts and cries. He sensed, and sensed wrongly, that it boded ill, for he did not know that it was the mainsail being lowered on the run after Skipper had slashed the boom-tackle across with his sheath-knife.

"We should like to return you your arms also," said Donald, "but your government took ours from us and I think we shall have to keep yours in their place." Neither of the officers made any reply, but their dark looks boded no good for the boys. "You might just as well look pleasant," laughed Billie. "All is fair in love and war."