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I shall write this afternoon." "I wish Mrs Rowland joy of her fledgling," said Enderby, as he joined Mr Grey. "I was just thinking, as you and he came up, that a few lessons from the drill-sergeant at Blickley would do him no harm. Perhaps, however, your sister will teach him to hold up his head better. I rather think he is a little scared with the rooks, is not he?

Margaret wondered why Mr Rowland did not send to Blickley for further advice: but Morris thought that Mrs Rowland would not give up her perfect faith in Mr Walcot, if all her children should die before her face. When Morris had left the room, Margaret was absorbed in speculations, as she played with her sister's infant speculations on the little life of children, and on their death.

Then, all were anxious to do honour to Hester and Margaret, or to show off in their eyes: now, the efforts made were, on the one hand, to mortify, and on the other, to sustain them. The Rowlands had a carriage party to the woods one week, and the Greys a cavalcade to the flower-show at Blickley the next.

"I should hope it is not true," observed Lady Hunter. "Last night, did you say? Early this morning? There has scarcely been time for the news to arrive of a fire at Blickley early this morning." "It is certainly true, however, my lady. No doubt whatever of the catastrophe, I am grieved to say." And Mrs Howell's sighs were sympathetically responded to by Miss Miskin in the back shop.