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"You are the son of your mother, not Bhart," the Dewan raved; "he was a brave man, but you speak of danger bah!" The Dewan's teeth, stained red at the edges from the chewing of pan, showed in a sneering grin like a hyena's as he added: "Bah! Ye are but thieves who steal from those who are helpless."

The Dewan's fat neck swelled with indignation; his big ox-like eyes bulged from their holding in anger: "Phut-t-t!" he spat in derision. "Bagrees!" he sneered; "descendants of Rajputs bah! Have you brought women with you that will lead this force? And danger!" he snarled he turned on Sookdee: "You are Sookdee, son of Bhart, so it was signed." "Yes, Dewan, it is true."

Ajeet spoke: "Dewan Sahib, we be men as brave as Bhart we are of the same caste, but there is a difference between such an one as he took the head of and a Pindari Chief. The Pindaris are the wild dogs of Hind, they are wolves, and is it easy to trap a wolf?"

He had the volatile temperament of a Latin, and now he turned to the Minister, his face having undergone a complete metamorphosis: "Dewani," he said, "do you remember when a certain raja sent his Prime Minister and twenty thousand men to punish Pertab for not paying his taxes, and Pertab gave one Bhart, a Bagree, ten thousand rupees and a village to bring him the Minister's head which he did, tied to the inside of his brass-studded shield?"