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It can be changed to disease, but never to absolute health by medicinal appliances. There are many ladies, ancient and recent, who are perpetually taking remedies for irremediable pains and aches. They ought to have headaches and back-aches and stomach-aches; they are not well if they do not have them.

She has so many varieties of headache, sometimes as if Jael were driving the nail that killed Sisera into her temples, sometimes letting her work with half her brain while the other half throbs as if it would go to pieces, sometimes tightening round the brows as if her cap-band were Luke's iron crown, and then her neuralgias, and her back-aches, and her fits of depression, in which she thinks she is nothing and less than nothing, and those paroxysms which men speak slightingly of as hysterical, convulsions, that is all, only not commonly fatal ones, so many trials which belong to her fine and mobile structure, that she is always entitled to pity, when she is placed in conditions which develop her nervous tendencies.

I threw my coat over him, and sat down, proposing to have a half-hour's rest myself. My wife came out with a pitcher of cool butter-milk and nodded her head approvingly at us. "Well, my thoughtful Eve," I said, "I find that our modern Eden will cost a great many back-aches." "If you will only be prudent like this, you may save me a heart- ache.

It can be changed to disease, but never to absolute health by medicinal appliances. There are many ladies, ancient and recent, who are perpetually taking remedies for irremediable pains and aches. They ought to have headaches and back-aches and stomach-aches; they are not well if they do not have them.

Don't interrupt me; don't go on with comfortable stuff about doing good, and one's duty towards one's Country though I fear that you think very little of that. If I thought I had done good enough to make up for my back-aches, and three fine stumps lost through chewing patriotic sentiments, why, of course I should be thankful, and make the best of my reward.