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Without warning expelled from those depths, he shot full half-length out of water, and fell back into the milky welter of the Assyrian's wake. Instinctively he kept afloat with feeble strokes. The cold was bitter, as sharp as the teeth of death; but his head was now clear, he was able to appreciate what had befallen him.

Only the company of the Assyrian's faithful convoys was an ever-present reminder of peril. And in the middle of the afternoon she passed close by a derelict, a torpedoed tramp, deep down by the stern, her bows helplessly high in air and crimson with rust, the melancholy haunt of a great multitude of gulls.

"Impossible for any man to swim this far since our torpedo struck " "Then he must have gone overboard before it struck or was thrown " A cry of alarm from the group about the gun, awaiting final orders to open fire upon the Assyrian's boats, interrupted the conference. The officers swung away in haste. "Hell's fury! what's that searchlight?"

"The Assyrian's wireless room was under guard: the captain published no bulletins whatever." The Bavarian gave a gesture of impatience. "You will remain on board for the night," he announced heavily. "Pardon!" Lanyard insisted with every evidence of anxious excitement. "What you tell me makes it more than ever imperative that I reach New York without an hour's avoidable delay.