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Garcilaso, one of the founders of Spanish poetry under Charles V., was a descendant of the Yncas of Peru, and in Africa, still accompanied by his agreeable muse, fell before the walls of Tunis: Camoens, the Portuguese, sailed as a soldier to the remotest Indies, in the track of the glorious Adventurer whose discoveries he celebrated: Don Alonso de Ercilla composed his Araucana in the midst of warfare with revolted savages, in a tent at the foot of the Cordilleras, or in wildernesses yet untrodden by men, or in a storm-tossed vessel on the restless ocean; Cervantes purchased, with the loss of an arm, and a long slavery in Algiers, the honour of having fought, as a common soldier, in the battle of Lepanto, under the illustrious John of Austria; Lope de Vega, among other adventures, survived the misfortunes of the Invincible Armada; Calderon served several campaigns in Flanders and in Italy, and discharged the warlike duties of a knight of Santiago until he entered holy orders, and thus gave external evidence that religion was the ruling motive of his life.

El historiador Mora, Ercilla de esta nueva Araucana , habla de la aquiescencia de Gorostiza respecto de las medidas dictadas en materias eclesiásticas, y de la parte activa que tomó en el plan de secularización de la enseñanza y en la formación de la biblioteca; pero de su animado relato de aquellos días terribles en que se proscribían en masa los partidos , nada se deduce en menoscabo de los humanos sentimientos del autor de Indulgencia para Todos, ajeno a los odios y a las persecuciones personales que anublaban el horizonte, y en cuanto a sus ideas y tendencias políticas, si las ensalzara perdería yo todo derecho a vuestro aprecio.

This century, rich in poets, gives us also Luis de Leon, Herrera, Saade Miranda, Jorge de Montemayor, Castillejo, the dramatists; and Ercilla, the soldier poet, who, in the expedition for the conquest of Peru went to Arauco, and wrote the poem named Araucana.