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She had fooled about Saghalien.... In her schooldays, hearing of the Sanjak of Novi Bazar, she had imagined the Sanjak to be a funny little man in a red cap. Riper knowledge, after its dull exasperating way, had brought disillusion; but like Mount Abora the name haunted her until she explored it for herself. When she came back, she knew the Sanjak of Novi Bazar like her pocket.

But when she learned that these same verses were composed in a flat in Milan which he shared with a naughty little opera singer of no account, she dismissed Prince Charming offhand, and betook herself alone to the middle of Abyssinia to satisfy her curiosity as to the existence there of dulcimer-playing maidens singing of Mount Abora to whom Coleridge in his poem assigns such haunting attributes.

"I did get it from a damsel, and that is why I called it a dulcimer, but she didn't sing of Mount Abora. I wish I could remember the year." "I think it was in 1894," said Judith quietly. Pasquale, who had been completely unaware of Judith's existence until half an hour before, could not repress a stare of polite surprise. "I believe you are right. In fact, you are. But how can you tell?"

Whether it came from Slieve-na-Mon or Mount Abora, Æ. found it with his gods and I in my 'Land of Heart's Desire, which no longer pleases me much. And then it seemed far enough till Mr.