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"Music! Did you ever hear such music, uncle Nathan! It's enough to set one off a-dancing." "Well, why not?" answered uncle Nathan. "Yes, why not?" replied the strong-minded one, "if the other young people dance, why shouldn't we?" "Of course," said uncle Nat, wiping his hands on the roller towel. "Why not? I shouldn't wonder if we astonish these youngsters."

By G , sir, ye ain't an ab'lishener, is ye? exclaimed the fellow, in an excited tone, bringing his hand down on the table in a way that set the crockery a-dancing. 'Come, come, my friend, I replied, in a mild tone, and as unruffled as a basin of water that has been out of a December night; 'you'll knock off the dinner things, and I'm not quite through.

After some time, those who had charge of the basket placed themselves round it upon the ground, and leaning upon it, appeared to go to sleep; the others, improving this opportunity, came gently upon them, and lifting them up from the basket, carried off their prize: The sleepers soon after awaking, missed their basket, but presently fell a-dancing, without any farther regarding their loss; so that the dramatic action of this dance was, according to the severest laws of criticism, one, and our lovers of simplicity would here have been gratified with an entertainment perfectly suited to the chastity of their taste.

"If you mean him as was killed in your play," says the landlord, "I'll answer for it he's not far off; for, to my knowledge, he was in the house drinking with a man while you were a-dancing of your antics like a fool. And I only hope you may be as honest a man as he, for he paid for his liquor like a gentleman."