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III. and XIV. For his date Bhandarkar, Vaishṇ. and Śaivism, pp. 58-59 and I.A.. 1914, pp. 233 ff. and 262 ff. Chând. Up. XXXVIII.-XL. contains a violent polemic against them. See Jahn's Analysis, pp. 90-106 and Barth in Mélanges Harlez, pp. 12-25.

Edward Bernstein, "Evolutionary Socialism," p. 143. Karl Kautsky, "The Social Revolution," pp. 58-59. The Outlook, March 13, 1909. Quoted by Jaurès, "Studies in Socialism," p. 103. Karl Kautsky, "Erfurter Programm," p. 258. Karl Kautsky, "The Social Revolution," pp. 48-49. H. G. Wells, "This Misery of Boots," p. 34. Karl Kautsky, "The Social Revolution," p. 51.

The reason why conjugial love is nevertheless rare in the Christian world, n. 58-59, is, because few in that world approach the Lord, and among those there are some who indeed believe the church, but do not live accordingly; besides other circumstances which are unfolded in the APOCALYPSE REVEALED, where the present state of the Christian church is fully described.

The sun now being on the decline the days shortened as we sailed to the southward; and, on the 28th, in latitude 73, it was dark by ten o'clock at night. September the 10th, in latitude 58-59, we met a very severe gale of wind and high seas, and shipped a great deal of water in the space of ten hours.