United States or Isle of Man ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To those who were not familiar with the movements of the moon, the newspapers demonstrated daily that she possesses two distinct movements, the first being that of rotation upon her axis, the second that of revolution round the earth, accomplishing both in the same time that is to say, in 27-1/3 days.

A streak of armor, 4 feet below water and 3 feet above, runs from this forward and aft entirely around the vessel. Her speed is 8 knots. As proposed to the last Congress, the central casemate was to be about 120 feet long on the top, its sides being inclined 27-1/2 degrees from the horizon, and composed of 6-3/4 inches of iron, 14 inches of locust backing, and a half-inch iron lining.

The toe, however, is 9-1/2 inches away from it, all measurements in this case and others being taken from the exact centre of the point of the toe. The point of the right toe is 19 inches distant from the B line, and while this toe is 27-1/2 inches from the A line the other is 34 inches from it, so that the right foot is 6-1/2 inches in advance of the left.

Of the total income of $2,000, the $550 represents 27-1/2% divided as follows: 18-1/2% for rent; 9% for savings. In about twelve years the loan is paid off, and the home owned free and clear. Zoning and What it Means to the Home By DR. JOHN M. GRIES Zoning helps home owners by establishing residential districts from which garages, and business and factory buildings are excluded.

'Mexican at 27-1/2-27; Portuguese fours at 32-7/8-32-1/2; Spanish fives at 21; Dutch two-and-halfs at 50-1/2-50-1/4: and so roars on the distracting Babel till the hour for closing strikes. Much of this business is no doubt legitimate the bonâ fide sale and purchase of stock by the brokers, for which they charge their clients the very moderate commission of 2s. 6d. per L.100.

In the hospital of Bâle, from 1843 to 1864, there were 1718 cases without antipyretic treatment, with 469 deaths a mortality of about 27-1/2 per cent; from September, 1866, to 1873, 1121 cases were treated antipyretically, with 92 deaths a mortality of a little over 8 per cent.