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NON ... VIDEATUR: 'not well grounded indeed, but such as it may seem possible to allow'. Ille is often used with quidem in making concessions where the English idiom requires no pronoun. Roby, 2259; Madvig, 489, b; Kennedy, 65, n. 2; A. 151, e; G. 292, Rem. 4; H. 450, 4, n. 2. CONTEMNI ... DESPICI: see n. on 43 spreta et contempta.

Now, gentlemen, let us in the same periods compare the amount which was applied from the parochial funds to the relief of pauperism. In September 1861, the amount so applied was 2259 pounds; in September 1862, it was 9674 pounds. That is by the week. What is now the amount? In November 1862 it was 17,681 pounds for the week.

Baron Alderson, Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, aged forty-two, a man of gentlemanly appearance, wearing mustachios, was indicted for forging and uttering a certain power of attorney for 2259 pounds, with intent to defraud the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. There were five indictments against the prisoner, to all of which he pleaded not guilty, when he was arraigned before Mr.

An economic study undertaken by Williams of 100 men who died at the Boston State Hospital of syphilitic mental disease, the cases being taken at random, showed that the shortening of life in the individual cases ranged from eight to thirty-eight years, and the total life loss was 2259 years.

Trans., p. 2259, it is stated that in the mountains between Guiuan and Borongan, footsteps, three times as large as those of ordinary men, have been found. Philos. Trans. 1699, No. 249, pages 44, 87. The price at Manila refers to the tinaja of sixteen gantas. Newly prepared coconut oil serves for cooking, but quickly becomes rancid. It is very generally used for lighting.