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Ellen Louisa Tucker, first wife of Ralph Waldo, 55. Emerson, Joseph, minister of Mendon, 4, 7, 8. Emerson, Joseph, the second, minister of Malden, 8. Emerson, Mrs. Lydia Jackson, second wife of Ralph Waldo: marriage, 83; Asia, 176. Emerson, Mary Moody: influence over her nephew, 16-18; quoted, 385. Emerson, Robert Bulkeley, brother of Ralph Waldo, 37.

John, chapters xxi. and xxii. for the glory of the renewed earth read the first Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, chap. iv. 16-18, for the glorious resurrection and ascension of those who have died trusting in the blessed Lord, who died for them; and then see what a glorious future lies before us see how death is but the gate of life see how what holds true of every thing on this earth, down to the flint beneath our feet, holds true ten thousand times of men that to die and to decay is only to pass into a nobler state of life.

They, therefore, who with an high hand do persevere in their wickedness, after foregoing admonitions stubbornly despised or carelessly neglected, are justly, by excommunication in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, cut off and cast out from the society of the faithful, and are pronounced to be cast out from the church, until being filled with shame and cast down, they shall return again to a more sound mind, and by confession of their sin and amendment of their lives, shall show tokens of repentance, Matt, xviii. 16-18; 1 Cor. v. 13, which places are also alleged in the Confession of Bohemia, art. 8, to prove that the excommunication of the impenitent and stubborn, whose wickedness is known, is commanded of the Lord: but if stubborn heretics or unclean persons be not removed or cast out from the church, therein do the governors of the church sin, and are found guilty, Rev. ii. 14, 20.

I conceive, therefore, that the natural classification of languages is also the natural classification of mankind. With language, moreover, all the higher manifestations of man's vital activity are closely interwoven, so that these receive due recognition in and by that of speech." Ueber die Bedeutung der Sprache für die Naturgeschichte des Menschen, pp. 16-18.