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"And if this should lighten the toil of men," said Similarity 5-0306, "then it is a great evil, for men have no cause to exist save in toiling for other men." Then Collective 0-0009 rose and pointed at our box. "This thing," they said, "must be destroyed." And all the others cried as one: "It must be destroyed!" Then we leapt to the table.

Let us all work together, and harness this power, and make it ease the toil of men. Let us throw away our candles and our torches. Let us flood our cities with light. Let us bring a new light to men!" But they looked upon us, and suddenly we were afraid. For their eyes were still, and small, and evil. "Our brothers!" we cried. "Have you nothing to say to us?" Then Collective 0-0009 moved forward.

They moved to the table and the others followed. "Yes," spoke Collective 0-0009, "we have much to say to you." The sound of their voices brought silence to the hall and to beat of our heart. "Yes," said Collective 0-0009, "we have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy!

Then Collective 0-0009, the oldest and wisest of the Council, spoke and asked: "Who are you, our brother? For you do not look like a Scholar." "Our name is Equality 7-2521," we answered, "and we are a Street Sweeper of this City." Then it was as if a great wind had stricken the hall, for all the Scholars spoke at once, and they were angry and frightened. "A Street Sweeper!

"Do all your brothers think that?" "No," we answered. "What is not thought by all men cannot be true," said Collective 0-0009. "You have worked on this alone?" asked International 1-5537.

"You shall be burned at the stake," said Democracy 4-6998. "No, they shall be lashed," said Unanimity 7-3304, "till there is nothing left under the lashes." "No," said Collective 0-0009, "we cannot decide upon this, our brothers. No such crime has ever been committed, and it is not for us to judge. Nor for any small Council.

We shall deliver this creature to the World Council itself and let their will be done." We looked upon them and we pleaded: "Our brothers! You are right. Let the will of the Council be done upon our body. We do not care. But the light? What will you do with the light?" Collective 0-0009 looked upon us, and they smiled. "So you think that you have found a new power," said Collective 0-0009.