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=aussprechen=, imp. sprach aus, p.p. ausgesprochen, to express. =austeilen=, imp. teilte aus, p.p. ausgeteilt, to portion out, to serve. =außer=, except. =Bach=, m. -e, -es, Bäche, brook. =backen=, imp. buk, p.p. gebacken, to bake, to cook. =Bäcker=, m. baker. =Bäckersjungen=, m. baker boys. =Backhaus=, n. baking-house. =bald=, soon. =Bank=, f. Bänke, bench. =bat=, see bitten.

If I can serve thee, thou wilt find me ready; But, may I ask, what does thy ship contain? Die seltensten der Schätze sollst Du sehn, Kostbare Perlen, edelstes Gestein. Blick’ hin und überzeuge Dich vom Werthe Des Preises, den ich für ein gastlich Dach Dir biete! The rarest of treasures I’ll show thee, Gold and pearls and precious stones; See how they glitter!

=Diamant=, m. -en, -es, Diamanten, diamond. =dich=, thee, thyself. =dicht=, thick, close, comp. dichter, super. der dichteste. =dick=, -e, -em, -en, -er, -es, fat, thick, stout, comp. dicker, super. der dickste. =die=, fem. of der, the, relative pron. who, which, that. =Dieb=, n. -es, Diebe, thief. =dienen=, imp. diente, p.p. gedient, to serve. =Diener=, m. -s, Diener, servant. =dies=, this.

Or the best bladder where a cooling-glister. Morillat. Hast thou no searcloths left? Nor any old pultesses? Franville. We care not to what it hath been ministred. Surgeon. Sure I have none of these dainties, gentlemen. Franville. Where's the great wen Thou cut'st from Hugh the sailor's shoulder? That would serve now for a most princely banquet. Surgeon. Ay if we had it, gentlemen.