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Voorloopig bleef zij echter hier; ze had zich zoo aan de kinderen gehecht! Op zekeren dag vond zij in een vergeten hoekje van haar koffer een tijdschriftje, waaruit zij eens met Tieka versjes had zitten lezen en haar oog viel op een rijmelarijtje, waarbij ze toen lachend een kruisje had gezet. "Oh, don't the days seem lank and long, When all goes right and nothing goes wrong?

When they take their departure, the same ceremony is repeated outside the ... Gate... "The formal reception by the king ... is equally intricate and complicated, and comprises the grovelling on the ground by his majesty, three knocks of the head, and the shouting out standing up of the words: "Live for ever" ..., with his hands reverently raised to his forehead.

Men beschouwt de erkenning van den waren adel in het hart als een triomf der Renaissance, erop wijzende, dat Poggio die gedachte uitspreekt in zijn De nobilitate. Men hoort gewoonlijk dat oude egalitarisme in het revolutionaire geluid van John Ball's "When Adam delved and Eve span, where was then the gentleman?" En men stelt zich voor, dat de adel sidderde op dien tekst.

We glorify the soldier as the man absolutely unincumbered. Owning nothing but his bare life, and willing to toss that up at any moment when the cause commands him, he is the representative of unhampered freedom in ideal directions."

"Since the Tang dynasty overwhelmed Corea, it has had only glimpses of absolute self-government; but, at the same time, it has had only brief intervals when it had not virtual self-government. = Zuidland, of Land der zuidelijke barbaren?

But in the days when Dickens' work was coming out in serial, people talked as if real life were itself the interlude between one issue of "Pickwick" and another.

Those who think they have received unjust punishment enjoy the right of appeal to the sovereign. They stand by the roadside tapping a small flat drum of hide stretched on a hoop like a battledore. When the envoys first arrive at their hotel, the heir advances with the various high officers, and makes two obeisances.

"De Koning werd zoo zelden gezien, dat eenige, die wat afgelegen woonen, gelooven dat hy van meer als menschelijke aerd is, zoo als aen onze luiden zulks voorquam, en hen wierd afgevraegt. "The king rarely leaves the palace to go abroad in the city or country. When he does, it is a great occasion which is previously announced to the public.

"It was not until the seventeenth century that Europeans came in contact with Coreans, when some unfortunate Dutchmen were shipwrecked on the coast and held captive for years.

't Is het vrijere, zorgeloozere en ook grootschere leven daar, dat hem dat verlangen influistert en dan "all times when old are good"; en 't waren immers ook zijn beste levensjaren, die hij hier doorbracht.