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When they take their departure, the same ceremony is repeated outside the ... Gate... "The formal reception by the king ... is equally intricate and complicated, and comprises the grovelling on the ground by his majesty, three knocks of the head, and the shouting out standing up of the words: "Live for ever" ..., with his hands reverently raised to his forehead.

"Li Chunggwei ... founded the dynasty which still rules Corea, and which has, therefore, swayed the Corean sceptre for more than four centuries. He chose for the title of his dynasty the words Ch'ao hsien "morning calm", pronounced by the Coreans Chö sen. This is now the official name both for Corea and for the reigning dynasty, which derives its title from Li Tau. "Kouk. Cor.

Het is hier de plaats niet, om over deze plaatsnamen, van patronymika afgeleid, of daar uit bestaande, verder uit te weiden. Die meer van dit belangryke onderwerp wil weten, leze mijn opstel Een en ander over friesche eigennamen, in De Vrije Fries, deelen 13 en 14, en vooral ook Taylor's Words and places.