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Die Erdkunde von Asien. Zweite Ausgabe. Band III. Berlin, 1834. History of Corea, ancient and modern, with description of manners, etc. Paisley, . The Manchus, or the reigning dynasty of China: their rise and progress. London, 1891. Stray notes on Corean history, etc. Geschichte der Entdeckungen im Seegebiete von Japan. Leyden, 1852. Nippon. Archif zur Beschreibung von Japan. Leiden, 1832-52.

"Li Chunggwei ... founded the dynasty which still rules Corea, and which has, therefore, swayed the Corean sceptre for more than four centuries. He chose for the title of his dynasty the words Ch'ao hsien "morning calm", pronounced by the Coreans Chö sen. This is now the official name both for Corea and for the reigning dynasty, which derives its title from Li Tau. "Kouk. Cor.

"Since the Tang dynasty overwhelmed Corea, it has had only glimpses of absolute self-government; but, at the same time, it has had only brief intervals when it had not virtual self-government. = Zuidland, of Land der zuidelijke barbaren?