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"Since the Tang dynasty overwhelmed Corea, it has had only glimpses of absolute self-government; but, at the same time, it has had only brief intervals when it had not virtual self-government. = Zuidland, of Land der zuidelijke barbaren?

Because I love You... My only one regret, Since then we 've never met Because I love you... Yes, my heart is yours!... Because I love you!... Hij bezag Lowis, voelde dat hij haar bekoorde, dat ze "zijn" was ...

Group of islands situated in the middle of the strait that separates Japan from Korea ... The group comprises one large island and 5 small ones ... Since the 12th century, the island was the fief of the daimyo, who frequently had to defend himself against Korean and Chinese pirates.

"I will not leave thee, thou lone one! To pine on the stem, Since the lovely are sleeping. Go sleep with them...." "Ik zal u niet laten u geheel alleen kwijnen op uw stengel, terwijl de andere schoonen zijn gaan slapen. Kom, slaap met haar!" De jeugdige ingenieur meende, dat hij niet bijzonder gevoelig was voor de dichtkunst, en toch, die verzen maakten diepen indruk op hem.