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Herrigel, have at last yielded the promised fruit, and we feel confident, that by the unfailing assistance of the power of Bahá’u’lláh, and the fostering care of our dear brother, your numbers will increase, your knowledge of this Most Great Cause deepen, and your opportunities for the service of mankind in accordance with the Sublime principles of Bahá’u’lláh multiply.

This to Shoghi Effendi’s deep disappointment has not been possible, Mr. Herrigel has been uncompromising and firm and the result is that the Cause in ... is at a standstill. This is why Shoghi Effendi would ask everyone and especially yourself to make every effort and help the situation.... My dear co-worker: A trusted friend of ours, Dr.

Your joint letter dated February 13th. 1925 has rejoiced my heart and has served to deepen my admiration for the splendid efforts displayed by your spiritual teacher, our never to be forgotten Bahá’í brother Mr. Herrigel.

I am your brother and co-worker 28 December 1923 To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Leipzig, Germany, Care of his honour, Mr. Herrigel. My dearest brethren and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: I need not emphasize the deep and genuine pleasure I felt when I received and read your most welcome letter dated November 11th. 1923.

The beloved of God and the handmaids of the Merciful in Dresden. c/o Mr. Herrigel. My Dearly-beloved friends: I have learned with feelings of gratitude and satisfaction, the welcome news conveyed in Mr. Herrigel’s letter regarding the establishment of a Bahá’í centre in Dresden.