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The Duchess of Wellingborough said often at this time: "Addie Sellingworth has the stuff in her of a leader of forlorn hopes!" Lord Blyston paid up for "the Crouch," once Willoughby, who had now left the Alhambra disconsolate.

"Hear him now," said Harry, turning round, as if addressing the bald-headed bust on the bracket, "a parson 'pon honor! But remark you, Wellingborough, my boy, I must leave you again, and for a considerably longer time than before: I may not be back again to-night." "What?" said I. "Be still," he cried, "hear me, I know the old duke here, and-"

Left to himself, the strange streets seemed now to have reminded him of his friendless condition; and I found him with a very sad eye; and his right hand groping in his pocket. "Where am I going to dine, this day week?" he slowly said. "What's to be done, Wellingborough?" And when I told him that the next afternoon I must leave him; he looked downhearted enough.

A hale matron, but with rather a prim expression, was reading a journal by his side: and three charmers, three Peris, three Houris! were leaning out of the window close by. Ah! Wellingborough, don't you wish you could step in? With a heavy heart at his cheerful sigh, I was turning to go, when is it possible? the old man called me back, and invited me in.

"Sit down, Wellingborough," said Harry; "don't be frightened, we are at home. Ring the bell, will you? But stop;" and advancing to the mysterious bust, he whispered something in its ear. "He's a knowing mute, Wellingborough," said he; "who stays in this one place all the time, while he is yet running of errands. But mind you don't breathe any secrets in his ear."

But, Wellingborough," he whispered, and I stooped my ear, "come you with me under the lee of the long-boat, and there I'll hum you an air." It was "The Banks of the Blue Moselle." Poor, poor Harry! and a thousand times friendless and forlorn!

In popularity she almost cut out the Duchess of Wellingborough, who sometimes gave dances, too, for young people. Really through it all she was on the watch, was seeking the possible husband. Presently she found the man with whom she could imagine being almost desperately happy if he would only fall in with her hidden views.