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He tried to switch the set to automatic tracking. He failed, tried again, failed again. He turned to his audience of VIPs, embarrassed. "It's going too fast for the set," he said. "That means it's going faster than a jet!" A lot of very important eyebrows lifted. What flies faster than a jet?

"Now you go," said Johnny, when at last he paused, breathless from all his exertions, and with one final shake released his captive; "go und tell de gran'fader I fin' vat is de matter out, und I gifs de vorst vips as I could gif to de vorst poy in all de down, und so I safes him some droubles. But if he dinks to gif you some more of de same veesic, I dink it not too moosh.

Sheneral Buell vas now crossing der river mit 50,000 men, and vill be here pooty quick; and Sheneral Lew Vallace is coming from Crump's Landing mit 15,000 more. Ve vips 'em; ve vips 'em. Go to your gompany." Back I went on the run, with a heart as light as a feather.

He's all right ven he's soper. Only it preaks my heart ven he vips me, und I don't deserve it." "Breaks your heart? It ain't your heart I'm worryin' about. If he don't break your bones you're in luck!" "Und I try to pe a goot vife to him. I tend him hand und foot." "Ye-es, I know you do," returned Martha dryly. "But suppose you just try the foot in the future. See how it works."