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Immediately the rivermen ran out on this tangle, and, after a moment devoted to inspection, set to work with their peavies. Bob started to follow, but Welton held him back. "It's dangerous for a man not used to it. The jam may go out at any time, and when she goes, she goes sky-hooting." But in the event his precaution turned out useless. All day the men rolled logs into the current below the dam.

It ain't to be expected that a lot of crazy darkies can go sky-hooting round this town driving pot-metal omnibuses for me without one of them getting in a smash-up about every so often, and I'm carrying accident insurance and liability insurance to cover my risks; but next time you get into a jam I want you to come through with the absolute facts in the case, so's I'll know where I stand and how to protect myself in court or out of it.

"Better get your rifles, you fellows," Wolf Larsen called to our hunters; and the five men lined the lee rail, guns in hand, and waited. The Macedonia was now but a mile away, the black smoke pouring from her funnel at a right angle, so madly she raced, pounding through the sea at a seventeen-knot gait "'Sky-hooting through the brine," as Wolf Larsen quoted while gazing at her.

"We have come to summon help from the Westbury fire department," said Frank, "can you direct us to the headquarters?" "Sure, right up the street about six blocks." "Good. Is there any one on watch?" "Sure, some of the boys sleep there every night." "Is it a good engine?" "None better. She's an automobile engine. Goes sky-hooting 'long like a joy-rider. Just got her two weeks ago.