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By outlining the course of this tendon with the fingers, when it is passively tensed sufficiently to follow its course, one may exclude rupture of the superficial flexor. Finding the suspensory ligament intact from its origin to the sesamoid attachments, one may also eliminate rupture of this structure as a cause of the trouble.

The digital bones may be given numerical names. THE APPROXIMAL OR THIRD DIGITAL BONE is the shortest long bone in the body. The two shallow articular cavities belonging to the superior extremity are completed posteriorly by the two sesamoid bones.

Because of the manner in which the patella functionates with the trochlea of the femur, comparatively little energy is required to prevent further flexion of the stifle joint. The patella, according to Strangeways, may be considered a sesamoid bone. The capsules are removed. 1. Middle patellar ligament. 2. Stump of fascia lata. 3. Stump of common tendon of extensor longus and peroneus tertius.

"You are not offering that suggestion as an explanation, are you? Because it would require more explaining than the original problem. And it is not even true. Anatomically speaking, the knee-cap appertains to the thigh rather than to the shank. It is a sesamoid bone belonging to the thigh muscles; yet in this case it has been left attached, apparently, to the shank.

No special pathological condition characterizes sesamoiditis but this condition causes incurable lameness when the sesamoid bones are much inflamed. Symptomatology. In acute inflammation, there exist all the symptoms which portray any arthritic inflammation of like character.

"You are not offering that suggestion as an explanation, are you? Because it would require more explaining than the original problem. And it is not even true. Anatomically speaking, the knee-cap appertains to the thigh rather than to the shank. It is a sesamoid bone belonging to the thigh muscles; yet in this case it has been left attached, apparently to the shank.

It is not uncommon for a bony enlargement to form on the sesamoid bone after a few months or a year. The following treatment is recommended. Horses that have a poor quality of tendon and weak fetlocks and pasterns should not be used for breeding purposes. Careful driving would prevent a large percentage of injuries to tendons. The most important treatment for all injuries due to strains is rest.