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Before McFadden died, I published evidence that while he was a member of Congress he worked with Nazi agents in this country. As this book went to press, the U.S. Government had just begun action to revoke Schwinn's citizenship, claiming that he had obtained it by making false statements. Congressman Samuel Dickstein.

It was after Schwinn's trip to the East that other disseminators of anti-democratic propaganda, like Robert Edward Edmondson and James True, came to life in a big way. One of the penniless men who suddenly blossomed into the money after Schwinn's trip East was Olov E. Tietzow, who used Post Office Box No. 491 in Chicago lest the fact that he lived at 715 Aldine Ave. be discovered.

In Los Angeles they went directly to the Deutsches Haus and presented a letter of introduction to Hermann Schwinn who assigned them quarters at the home of Max Edgan, one of Schwinn's lieutenants. The students then made a detailed report to Schwinn on the political work they were carrying out at Georgia Tech.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Schwinn interrupted. "Maybe I can refresh your memory. That was the evening the Captain took a lady from Beverly Hills, to the first mate's cabin remember? You know, the lady who lives on North Crescent Drive shall I mention her name?" Schwinn's face turned an apoplectic red and he became quiet. "On Monday, February 10, 1936," I continued.

Up until a few months before the campaign Tietzow was an unemployed electrical engineer who had difficulty paying the three-dollar weekly rent for his hall bed-room at the Aldine Ave. address. After Schwinn's visit and meeting with him, Tietzow began to commute by air between Chicago and Buffalo where he opened a branch office. Tietzow was tested out a little at first.