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"We can do it jest as well as not," they heard one of the men say. "An' we got a right, too." "Sure we got a right," said another of the trio in a heavy, rasp-like voice. "We'll show Casso what it means to do a feller out o' his lawful wages." "Yes; but you look out you ain't caught," added the third man. "He's got all hands watching to spot us."

'The Pholas dactylus' he says, 'makes its hole by grating the chalk with its rasp-like valves, licking it up, when pulverised, with its foot, forcing it up through its principal or bronchial syphon, and squirting it out in oblong nodules.

At least eighty per cent of the possible oyster crop is destroyed by this sea-snail. This creature, usually about half an inch long, crawls on an oyster usually a young one and with a rasp-like tongue files a hole in the shell, through which it sucks the juices out of the oyster.

A fresh kill shows that with its rasp-like tongue the tiger licks off all the hair of its prey before devouring it and the hair will be found in a circle around what remains of the kill. The Chinese often raid a lair in order to gather up the quills of the porcupine and the bony scales of the pangolin which are esteemed for medicinal purposes.

The gullet is horny and rasp-like, and in its exterior opening is an auxiliary set of teeth of most remarkable formation. The upper part of this interior set in some respect resembles the under jaws of a land animal, but there are marked distinctions.

The day before he had made a speech in a wineshop to an audience of peasants, who listened, open-mouthed, but withal suspicious, examining their candidate as they would have handled a beast offered at the market, and who, step by step, applauded his remarks, stretching out their rasp-like hands as he left them, and crying out: "You are our man!"

Starbuck's voice was never softer than when he said: "Won't you sit down, Lije?" "Hardly wuth while. Did the folks tell you that I was over here earlier in the day?" "Nobody said anythin' about it, Lije. Couldn't have been very important what you said to 'em on that occasion." Peters cleared his rasp-like throat. "Mo' important than some folks mout think."