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A herring-merchant and a tent-maker! My boys are the sons of gentlemen. I can't be expected to know anything about tradesfolk of that class." But Posh has a sense of humour, and he says, "Ah! He used to laugh about that, the guv'nor did. Oh dear, Poshy! Two F's in the firm.

Posh, my dear boy, pure posh." And Spot would give a cruel imitation of the wretched Smith's mincing English. The punishment was the more bitter, because all the world knew that Spot could speak the King's English as well as anybody if only he chose. To the poshy alone was Spot unkind.

"I think you will believe that I shall propose, and agree to, nothing which is not for your good. For surely I should not have meddled with it at all, but for that one purpose. "And now, Poshy, I mean to read you a short Sermon, which you can keep till Sunday to read. You know I told you of one danger and I do think the only one you are liable to Drink.

I think of going down the river soon to see Captain Newson. I have been on the River To-day and thought that I should have been with you on the way to Yarmouth or Southwold if I had stayed at Lowestoft. Instead of which I have been to the Lawyer here. "Good-bye, Poshy, and believe me always yours to the last Half Pint.

Posh may be defined, very roughly, as a useless striving after gentlemanly culture. Sometimes a chauffeur or an H.Q. clerk would endeavour to speak very correct English in front of Spot. "'E was poshy, my dear boy, positively poshy. 'E made me shiver until I cried. 'Smith, old man, I said to 'im, 'you can't do it. You're not born to it nor bred to it. Those that try is just demeaning themselves.

FitzGerald and Fletcher, herring salesmen when Poshy catches any, which isn't as often as it might be, you know, Poshy! And then he'd laugh. Oh, he was a jolly kind-hearted man if ever there was one." And then Posh's eyes will grow moist sometimes, I think perhaps with the thought that he might ah, well! It's too late now.