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The wooden combs prevent the plates from coming in mutual contact, and give the apparatus great solidity. The process of formation is ingenious and rapid. To give 1 square meter a capacity of 20 ampere hours, there is required only a quarter of an hour's treatment. "To obtain the same result by Plante's method, months are required.

Then, spite of Monsieur Plante's palisades round the chimney, in a hard shower the rain would come pelting down, and, the hearth unfortunately sloping a little the wrong way, the fire would become extinguished; while, the bark on the roof failing to do its duty, we were now and then so completely deluged, that there was no resource but to catch up the breakfast or dinner and tuck it under the table until better times that is, till fair weather came again.

There were a few lines of writing, dim but still legible, and a number of figures. Across the top of the paper was written, "Account of John Ball, Henri Langlois, and Peter Plante for month ending June thirtieth, 1859." Below these lines was the following: "Plante's work: nuggets, 7 pounds, nine ounces; dust, 1 pound, 3 ounces. Langlois' work: nuggets, 9 pounds, 13 ounces; dust, none.

M. Trouve originally employed Plante's secondary battery, but afterward reverted to a bichromate battery of his own invention. In all the primary batteries hitherto applied with advantage, zinc has been used as the acting material.

Ball's work: nuggets, 6 pounds, 4 ounces; dust, 2 pounds, 3 ounces. Total, 27 pounds. Plante's share, 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Langlois' share, 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Ball's share, 13 pounds, 8 ounces. Division made." Softly Wabigoon read the words aloud.