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Pendleton spoke earnestly, drawing her chair closer with the feeling that the man before her had sufficient intelligence to give her a sympathetic hearing. "So I gathered from your card. It seems a very sad case. Sergeant Pengowan's report has just reached me. Anything I can do for you " Inspector Dawfield pretended to occupy himself in cutting open an official envelope with scrupulous care.

"In that case the marks would have been underneath the arm. In lifting a heavy weight like a corpse it would be natural to place the hands under the shoulders, for greater lifting power." "There's something in that, but it's by no means certain. It would depend on the position of the body. According to Pengowan's report, Robert Turold was found lying face downward.

"Do not be a fool. Sit down and let us have lunch, and we'll discuss afterwards what's best to be done." With a slightly incredulous air Inspector Dawfield placed his London colleague in possession of his own knowledge of the facts of the case, based on the statements made to him by Mrs. Pendleton that morning and the facts as set forth in Sergeant Pengowan's report.

"I do not I cannot believe that my brother has taken his own life. In fact, I am sure he did not." On hearing these words Inspector Dawfield looked at his visitor again, with something more than surprise in his eyes, then he pulled a document from a pigeonhole and hastily scanned it. "Pengowan's report states quite definitely that it is suicide," he said as he replaced it.

"Thalassa told Pengowan that Robert Turold kept the revolver in the drawer of his writing table," Dawfield remarked. "I have read Pengowan's report," returned Barrant impatiently, "and I am assuming that Robert Turold's daughter knew where it was kept. This is a purely constructive theory of her guilt, and we have to assume many things.