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We-alls even wins a county-seat fight with Red Dog, wherein we puts it all over that ornery hamlet; an' we shorely deals the game for the entire region. "As I states, it's the spring after we promotes the Bird Cage Op'ry House which temple of amoosements is complete the fall before that 'Doby an' Billy turns up in Wolfville.

It's when some outfit of mountebanks is givin' a show called 'Uncle Tom's Cabin, over to Huggins' Bird Cage Op'ry House, an' these yere saddenin' canines big, lop-y'eared hound-dogs, they be works in the piece. "'Do you-all hear them hound-clogs a-mournin' an' a-bayin' last evenin'? asked Boggs of Enright. "'Shore! I hears 'em, says Enright.

"But you must give us a dance fer it," coaxed Mr. Tomlin, anxious to display the talent of the Tenement. "She's the young 'un as dances at the Op'ry House, the kid is," he explained to his visitors, "they've had her pictoor in the papers, too. Miss Bonkowski, the chorus-lady upstairs, she's got one of them, came out in a Sunday supplement, though I can't say I see the likeness myself."

It does mean that I'm goin' to see fair play." The girl could make no protest at this enigmatic speech, and the even voice went on. "How I know things is easy," he continued. "If you think he" once more nodding his head toward the group beyond "come down here to hear a op'ry singer sing, I want to tell you he didn't. That was me.