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The infant, on his side, in random and non-specific ways, calls out to her. He cries and makes his simple movements. She responds to his cries with her care. He responds to her care by sleeping and waking, by crying and cooing. And thus begins the dialogical nature of relationship. Relationship Is Dialogue Relationship is dialogue.

CLASSIFICATION. We may divide diseases into three classes: non-specific, specific and parasitic. Non-specific diseases have no constant cause. A variety of causes may produce the same disease. For example, acute indigestion may be caused by a change of diet, watering the animal after feeding grain, by exhaustion and intestinal worms.

The successive chapters of the first section take up in order the following questions: the nature of instincts and their place in the constitution of the mind, the principal instincts and the primary emotions of man; some general or non-specific innate tendencies, the nature of the sentiments and the constitution of some of the complex emotions; the development of the sentiments; the growth of self-consciousness and of the self regarding sentiment; the advance to the higher plane of social conduct; and volition.

Naturally any physical disease reduces the capacity for normal response to mental difficulties; hence physical illness may facilitate the production of a psychosis. But this intercurrent factor is also non-specific. Such is our view of the etiology of manic-depressive insanity as a whole. When we approach the study of benign stupors, however, difficult problems appear.

Now in addition to these typical ideas we often hear expressed what we might term non-specific delusions, ideas that seem to have nothing to do with a peculiar type of reaction which the patient presents. It is therefore not surprising to find that inactivity is not consistently ascribed to death or a related delusion.

"Oh, of course!" the TV responded. "But the poem was written a long time ago, before non-specific gender language was in vogue." "You seem rather wise for a manufactured person," said Graham. "Where did your brain come from?" "Oh, I haven't really got a brain in the traditional sense of the word.

It is our view that the manic-depressive psychoses may be, and probably are, determined remotely but fundamentally by an inherent neuropsychic defect, but this physical and constitutional blemish is non-specific. The actual psychosis is determined by functional, that is, psychological factors. A predisposed individual exposed to a certain psychic stress develops a manic-depressive psychosis.

McDougall dividends the instincts into specific tendencies or instincts and general or non-specific tendencies.